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We are constantly bombarded with information that may in some way improve our health, and it's not always backed by quality, evidence-based data.

The money spent on marketing or the leverage an influencer has can really impact the decisions we make about our health, for better or for worse.

What if there was a resource that helped you sift through the noise, provided evidence-based data to help you understand your health symptoms and how they're likely related, and gave you resources on how to take control of your health, possibly feel better, and achieve your goals?

Welcome to The Skin Nutrition Library

The complete & trusted database of nutrition and Chinese medicine information to help you optimize your skin and gut health.

Digital Reading

What is The Skin Nutrition Library?

Launched in 2022, The Skin Nutrition Library is managed by a Doctor of Chinese Medicine and Registered and Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist.


As the complete and evidence-based guide to nutrition and other complementary medicine information, you will find trusted, science-backed material within the library to help you optimize your skin and gut health and make informed decisions about your well-being.


Did you know that the health of the gut is critical to your overall health? Many diseases and unwanted health conditions have their root in an unhealthy gut. And, one way to tell if the health of the gut or body in general is struggling, is to look to the skin.


The Skin Nutrition Library contains all the nutrition and Chinese medicine information you need to improve and support the health of both your skin and gut!

Wha's incuded in the library?

What kind of information is in the library?

The Skin Nutrition Library includes the below topics in articles, videos, and downloadable content that is updated weekly.

And so much more!

Image by Shawn Fields

How do I get access to the library?

The library is available to members through Keeping it Simple and Premium monthly subscriptions. Click on the link below to learn more about the membership options. You may cancel at anytime. Some of the library content is free!


Content is updated regularly and new content is added at least once a week. Got a suggestion for a topic or a burning question? Please fill out the form below and let us know!


We are committed to providing you the most up-to-date, evidence-based information so you are informed, get access to trusted nutrition information, and can easily implement ways to improve the health of your skin and gut!

We'd love to hear from you!

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